# Arch install I went through a phase of installing and reinstalling Linux distributions on old HP machines I have lying around until I got sick of it and returned to my 2017 MacBook Air as a daily driver, but now that it's on its last update of macOS 12, I'm thinking of gutting it for Arch and will probably pull the trigger once my Homebrew packages stop working. I also missed i3 the more I got into QMK, and I use WezTerm, cd/ls, ranger et al more often than Finder these days anyway. I'm almost anti-mouse at this point. So here are the steps I followed to install Arch on an HP ProBook 430 I kicked off a bunk bed in 2017, mostly for my own reference. It does not deviate from the wiki's installation guide, really, but I like lists and doing these things manually rather than with something like archinstall. ## Installation I torrented the latest .iso on my MacBook Air, but Balena Etcher kept saying "Error opening source," so I used a mirror URL. Straight after booting from the flash drive and connecting Internet with iwctl, I partitioned the wee internal drive with cfdisk and ran all these commands to get this lsblk output: $ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3 $ mkswp /dev/sda2 $ mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sda1 $ mount /dev/sda3 /mnt $ mkdir /mnt/boot/efi $ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi $ swapon /dev/sda2 NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 119.2G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /mnt/boot/efi ├─sda2 8:2 0 8G 0 part [SWAP] └─sda3 8:3 0 110.2G 0 part /mnt Write file system table: $ genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab Essential packages I grabbed while still in [root@archiso]: $ pacstrap -K /mnt linux linux-firmware base base-devel vim networkmanager efibootmgr grub sof-firmware Localization, setting root password, and creating my sudo-privileged user are all well-documented, but I'm a doofus who's too impatient to pull up useradd -h so: $ useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash spica I know from past experience this laptop demands initramfs, though "why" escapes me. Just that my first attempts to install Arch on it failed until I ran $ mkinitcpio -P Back in [root@archiso]: $ systemctl enable NetworkManager $ grub-install /dev/sda $ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg $ umount -a $ reboot now ## Visual On reboot and login I had to run nmcli since I did this over wifi. The next packages I installed were * xf86-video-intel * xorg-server * i3 * dmenu * polybar * firefox * wezterm * feh * picom * autorandr * lightdm :/ I've only used and have no complaints about Xorg and don't see any reason to change since my daily use is mostly writing with some browsing. The one thing I've always done and did this time around that I don't love is LightDM and its ugly greeter that depends on GTK (I hate Adwaita, sorry). Since then I've replaced it with emptty, which is everything I've dreamed. => https://github.com/tvrzna/emptty/ I used to change my WezTerm font to anything but JetBrains, but I'm learning Russian again and you can't beat its Cyrillic support. I also find noto-cjk and noto-emoji essential and use Latin Modern Mono and Cozette for aesthetics. I set up SSH and connected to my macOS to copy my public key and grab .config and .vim. The first repos I cloned were yay and my own projects from GitHub. I use the AUR sparingly, only for bashmount, spotifytui, nerdfetch, and some fonts like Cozette and Unifont. For wallpapers, I've been using HDPI scans of Naoko Takeuchi's artbooks for Sailor Moon for years, and while mounting my external drive is easiest, I'm trying my darnedest to escape GUIs and successfully used transmission-cli for the first time to torrent one volume off nyaa. => https://missdream.org/raw-sailor-moon-downloads/manga/art-books/ ## To-do * Write scripts to change feh, polybar, dmenu at night. * Figure out transmission-remote. * Find a CLI VPN. I have SurfShark now, but I also use Proton apps and am interested in ProtonVPN.